GLS-FOC Organise Yoga workshop for mental strength for Board students at Blind People’s Association

Ahmedabad, A few minutes of Yoga during the day can be a great way to get rid of stress that accumulates daily, in both, body and the mind. Yoga postures, Pranayama and meditation are effective techniques to release stress.
Meditation is relaxation and rejuvenates the body and mind. With this aim in mind, a workshop was organised by Yoga Club of Faculty of Commerce , GLS University on 4th February, 2025, for the10th and 12th standard Students of Blind People’s Association (Andhjan Mandal). The yoga club coordinator, Dr. Bhavik Swadia, took yoga session with great dedication. The Students participated with full interest, enthusiasm and eagerness.
The session began by seeking the blessings of the Almighty by chanting. Pranayama for relieving stress, increase concentration and focus.
He motivated the Students and conveyed the importance of Hanuman chalisa. He also explain Inception, Meaning and Importance of Hanuman chalisa in students life.
The session was very refreshing, reviving and relaxing. At the end students of Yoga club give water bottle and chocolate box to the students of Andhjan Mandal for best wishes for the board exam.
Students of yoga Club discussed and share their experience with the students of Andhjan Mandal and explain a benefits of Yoga and Meditation.