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Goa Tourism showcases innovative tourism products in Travel & Tourism Fair in Gandhinagar

Ahmedabad, Goa Tourism Development Corporation (Goa Tourism) participated in the three-day Travel and Tourism Fair (TTF) – 2023 organized in Gandhinagar. This was organized from August 23 to 25, 2023 at the Mahatma Mandir Convention and Exhibition Centre, Gandhinagar.

This is one of the premier travel trade fairs of Gujarat and the country. This is one of the premier travel trade fairs of Gujarat and the country. TTF provides an excellent platform to share travel-related insights and opportunities, creating significant B2B contacts to advance opportunities in the sector. Goa Tourism presented various tourism products at TTF 2023 and shared information about various tourist destinations and upcoming mega events organized by Goa Tourism.

Official of Goa Tourism said, TTF is one of the largest travel and tourism fairs to be held in India, where we showcase various tourism products and tourist destinations of Goa and mega events organized by Goa Tourism to various travel enthusiasts, industry professionals, domestic budget travelers and international tourists from the state and the country.

In such mega events, Goa Tourism will be able to showcase Goa’s enchanting travel destinations ranging from the state’s beaches, cruise tourism, water sports, adventure tourism, religious tourism, cultural heritage and wellness tourism destinations.

Goa is a land of celebrations and festivities. It has a long coastline of about 100 km. Goa is mainly known for its beautiful beaches surrounded by oscillating palm trees and amazing nightlife. Goa is visited by a large number of national and international tourists every year.

Goa is one such captivating tourist destination in India that offers something to every avid traveler who visits here. It is also a popular honeymoon destination. The real beauty of Goa lies in its beautiful beaches, places of worship and world heritage architecture, the official added.

Goa Tourism is focused on the upcoming festive season, Diwali and winter season, and will provide tourists in Goa with accessible facilities, participation in mega events, wildlife safaris and cultural heritage and much more.


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