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A Session on ‘Drug Prevention and Youth’ @GLS University’s FOC

Ahmedabad, GLS University’s Faculty of Commerce under the auspice of ‘Academics and Beyond’, a lecture series where various expert speakers are invited to share their knowledge and inculcate values in the minds of this millennial generation organized a guest session on ‘Drug Prevention and Youth’.

The session featured two distinguished speakers: Deputy Commissioner of Police Mr. Jayrajsinh Vala from the Special Operations Group of the Ahmedabad City Police, and Mr. Krunal Shah, manager of Youth Programs at Elixir Foundation and CEO of the Gujarat Youth Forum who was invited by the World Economic Forum to Geneva, Switzerland.

The session opened with Mr. Vala, who presented a detailed overview of the various types of drugs prevalent in society. He discussed how these substances are often disguised and sold illegally in small shops, making them more accessible to young people. He further elaborated how a novice gets addicted to drugs under peer pressure.

It could be due to mere stress in life or just the idea of trying new things out. Peer pressure, curiosity, and stress are common catalysts for initial drug use. Intake of drugs even in the smallest of amount releases dopamine in the body which makes the consumer lose control over them. The show signs of a person under influence are red eyes, lack of concentration, insomnia, cramps and others.

Continuing the session, he explained how one can get a natural dose of dopamine by engaging in physical activities such as walking, running, exercising, having regular conversation with their parents and keeping them informed about their day to day activities, maintaining a good circle of friends and reading spiritual books on a daily basis. He urged the students to reach out help incase they know someone who is under influence. He stressed the importance of recognizing these signs not just for personal awareness but also for being able to help peers who might be struggling with substance abuse.

Following Mr. Vala’s insightful presentation, Mr. Krunal Shah took the stage to discuss the modern challenges posed by readily available digital content. He pointed out that the rise of over-the-top (OTT) platforms often glamorizes drug use, making it seem acceptable and devoid of serious consequences. This representation can lead young people to believe that substance consumption is a harmless part of life, creating a dangerous perception.

Mr. Shah further elaborated on the financial implications of drug use, illustrating how sustaining such habits can lead individuals into a vicious cycle of dependency and financial instability. He encouraged students to think critically about the media they consume and to recognize the broader implications of normalizing substance use in popular culture.

The insightful session was concluded with the students taking the pledge, vowing to abstain from drugs and to actively work towards preventing substance abuse among their peers. Act actively towards making the country a drug-free nation and being responsible citizen of the country. The event was managed by faculty coordinators by Dr. Bhumika Ansodaria and Aashal Bhatt.

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