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PM Modi Official Visit to Poland and Ukraine: Will This be a Game Changer in Russia – Ukraine War

Photo : PM Modi paid tributes at the Monument to the Battle of Monte Cassino in Warsaw, Poland.

Gandhinagar, Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has commenced his official visit to Poland on 21 & 22 Aug with visit to Ukraine scheduled on 23 Aug.

If we go back last month i.e. 09 July 2024 on the historic visit of Mr. Modi to Moscow and hugging Russia President Vladimir Putin, the event coincided with the bombing by Russia on Ukraine’s children hospital. Mr. Volodymyr Zelenskyy on that day had said “It is a huge disappointment and a devastating blow to peace efforts to see the leader of the world’s largest democracy hug the world’s most bloody criminal in Moscow on the day such as this”.

Today Mr. Modi is going to Ukraine on a special invitation of Mr. Zelenskyy, the Ukraine PM. Is he on an important mission of peace? Mr. Modi in his tweet has said that “I will be visiting Ukraine at the invitation of President Zelenskyy. This visit will be an opportunity to build one of the earlier discussions with him and deepening India-Ukraine friendship. We will also share perspective on the peaceful resolution of the ongoing Ukraine conflict. As a friend and partner, we hope an early returns of peace and stability in the region.”

If we see the development in Russia – Ukraine war in last few days, in the North Ukraine has made dramatic progress in Kursk region, while in South Russians are making progress in the Donbas region. Both countries are claiming progress and victories in their Area of Interest. Is this the right time for statement and face saving solution to both countries and correct time to end the war under the best possible negotiator and friend of both countries i.e. India?

At the press conference, the MEA has said that PM Modi will be undertaking an official visit to Poland and Ukraine on the invitation of Poland PM Donald Tusk. This is a landmark visit as an Indian Prime Minister will be visiting Poland after 45 years on the 76th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Poland. On the PM, Ukraine visit, the MEA has said, the visit to Ukraine on Aug. 23 is an invitation of Ukraine President Mr. Volodymyr Zelenskyy. This is also a landmark visit since this will be the first time an Indian Prime Minister will be visiting Ukraine in more than 30 years i.e. after the formation of Ukraine as an independent country. This visit will be adding on to the bilateral discussions which Mr. Modi had with Mr. Zelenskyy in Italy on the sidelines of G7 Summit in June this year.

India since the beginning of Russia – Ukraine war i.e. Feb. 2022, has held a consistent stance. India has maintained that Diplomacy and Dialogue can resolve this conflict which can lead to enduring peace, so dialogue is absolutely essential. Lasting peace can only be achieved through the option that are acceptable to both parties and it can only be a negotiated settlement. On India’s part it continues to engage with all stakeholders and PM Modi had conversations with both Russia and Ukraine leaders. During Mr. Mod visit to Russia last month, India has taken stand that, India is willing to provide all possible support and contributions required to help find peaceful solution to this complex issue.

Kiev is all   set to welcome the most popular leader of the world, Mr. Narendra Modi on the eve of Ukraine Independence day just after a month of Mr. Modi visit to Moscow and a hard hitting statement by Ukraine President. The outcome of the talks can’t be predicted, however it will be held as per the principles of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ and of India’s reputation of peace loving country as per the teaching of Hinduism and Buddhism i.e. Panchsheel, five principals of mutual respect and peaceful co-existence.

With respect to visit of Poland before the visit to Ukraine, it is felt that Poland is also going to play a very important role in peace talks between Russia & Ukraine. Poland has the six largest economy in European Union and can help in reconstruction of Ukraine. Poland is going to   hold the next Presidency of Council of European Union. India has got good relations with Poland, both in terms of bilateral trade and people to people contact and is a good friend.  MEA has said earlier that Government of Poland had offered valuable assistance during operation Ganga where more than 7000 Indian students were evacuated from the war Zone of Ukraine. Independently India Poland relations are likely to get a big boost after the visit of Mr. Modi to Poland. However, it is to be seen that India and Poland can jointly negotiate peace talks between Russia and Ukraine and help in resolving the biggest crisis of the world. Indians please wait and watch!

-Col (Dr) Rakesh Kumar Shrivastawa Registrar, PDEU

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